Terms of Use


Thank you for accessing or using Love Lives On website and mobile applications and/or other services which is owned and operated by Love Lives On Funeral and Estate Services Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Love Lives On,” “we,” “us,” “our website” or “our site”).

By accessing or using our website (including the mobile optimized version of the website), our online services, mobile and other applications, and/or our social networking platforms (each, a “site”), whether automated or otherwise, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, both of which are displayed on our website. (Hereinafter, our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will collectively be referred to as “this agreement”.)

This agreement shall apply to both visitors to our site (hereinafter referred to as “you”), as well as to our business clients (hereinafter referred to as “client” or “you”).

PART 1 of this agreement applies to our visitors, whereas PART 2 of this agreement applies to our clients.

Certain features, products or software that you purchase or download from our site may be subject to additional terms and conditions presented to you at the time that you use, purchase or download them. When you decide to submit a post or article, or enter a contest, we may present additional terms and conditions to you.

We reserve the right to change this agreement at any time, with or without notice. Such changes will be effective when posted. By continuing to access or use our site after we post any such changes, you accept this agreement as modified.
Since we can amend this agreement at any time, we recommend that you print or save a local copy of this agreement for your records.

You represent that you are legally able to accept this agreement, and affirm that you are of legal age to form a binding contract, or have obtained parental or guardian consent to do so.

Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using our site.


For general inquiries regarding this agreement, please e-mail us at info@loveliveson.com.


Rules of Conduct

There are the rules of conduct that you are required to follow when you use our site. You MUST NOT:

  • “Harvest” (or collect) information from our site using an automated software tool or manually on a mass basis (unless we have given you separate written permission to do so). This includes, for example, information about other users of our site and information about the offerings, products, services and promotions available on or through our site. The framing, scraping, data-mining, extraction or collection of the content of this site in any form and by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, you may not mirror any material contained on our site.
  • Use automated means to access our site, or gain unauthorized access to our site or to any account or computer system connected to our site.
  • “Stream catch” (download, store or transmit copies of streamed content).
  • Obtain, or attempt to obtain, access to areas of our site or our systems that are not intended for access by you.
  • “Flood” our site with requests or otherwise overburden, disrupt or harm our site or its systems.
  • Circumvent or reverse engineer our site or its systems.
  • Restrict or inhibit another user or users from using and enjoying our site.
  • Manipulate or forge identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information posted on our site or otherwise provided to us or our employees.
  • Impersonate any person, including, but not limited to, other community members, our employees, or our clients.

If you post something to our site, including, but not limited to, comments or other content, or if you create a Meme-orial™, you MUST NOT:

  • Use strong, vulgar, obscene or otherwise harmful language or images.
  • Use racially, ethnically or otherwise, objectionable language or images.
  • Infringe any third-party intellectual property right (such as copyrights).
  • Use defamatory (i.e. something that is negative and untrue about another person or entity) language or images.
  • Divulge another person’s or entity’s confidential or private information or trade secret.
  • Act in a manner that is fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, harassing, abusive, or discriminatory.
  • Encourage criminal conduct.
  • Share information (such as inside, proprietary or confidential information) that you do not have a right to make available due to contract, fiduciary duty, or operation of law.
  • Advertise or solicit business for products or services other than those that are offered and promoted on our site.
  • Use language that is disparaging, inappropriate and/or competitive to Love Lives On.
  • Cause a virus, malware, spyware, spam, or other harmful content or code.
  • Violate any laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, your local laws and regulations.

You must comply with all applicable laws and contractual obligations when you use our site.

Intellectual Property

Ownership of Site Content and Submissions

By using our site, you acknowledge that everything on this site (including, but not limited to, the underlying HTML, text, images, graphics, illustrations, designs, icons, audio clips, video clips, documents, products, software, applications, and all other website content, is either owned by us or is owned by the original creator or their assignee, in which case we are using the content lawfully, and under license or by agreement where applicable.

We also own all intellectual property rights to the Meme-orial™ product, including, but not limited to, the concept, design, and execution of the product.

You may use content, materials and applications included on our site for your own personal, non-commercial use, but you may not use it for commercial purposes. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by e-mail or other electronic means) any material from our site unless explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use or by the owner of the materials. You may, however, from time to time, download and/or print one copy of individual pages of our site for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you keep intact all copyright and other intellectual property rights that are owned by us.

If you submit or post any content or materials to our site, you grant us and our business partners a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferrable, assignable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use such content and materials, including alterations thereof, for our business purposes, in any form, in any media, and via any technology we choose, whether it exists now or is created in the future. You represent that any content and materials posted or otherwise submitted by you to our site is original to you and that you have the right to grant us these rights.

Please do not send us your ideas for our business. We are always thinking and creating new concepts, and we may have similar ideas of our own. To avoid any disputes between us relating to ideas that you have submitted to us you agree that, if you send us your ideas, you are assigning to us the right to use them, and you waive and release us from claims that we have used your ideas without your permission.


Love Lives On is a trademark or a registered trademark of Love Lives On Funeral and Estate Services Inc. All Love Lives On product names and logos are our trademarks or our registered trademarks, including, but not limited to, Meme-orial™.

Copyright Infringement Notices

If you are a copyright owner who believes in good faith that your copyrighted material has been reproduced, posted or distributed on our site in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us at info@loveliveson.com.

We have a policy of terminating our site usage privileges of users who are infringers of intellectual property rights.

Electronic Communications

The communications between you and us via our site use electronic means, whether you visit our site or send us an e-mail, or whether we post notices on our site or communicate with you via e-mail. For contractual purposes, you consent to receiving communications from us in an electronic form, and you agree that all terms and conditions, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if it were in writing.

Changes to Our Site

We reserve the right to make changes to, or to suspend or discontinue (temporarily or permanently), our site or any portion of our site. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance.


Our site may contain links to other websites or to third-party sellers of products and services. Such links are provided for your convenience only, and you access them at your own risk. We are not responsible for, and do not endorse, the content of any such sites, or the products and services sold on them, nor do we take responsibility for the accuracy of any such sites. When you visit a linked site, you should read the terms of use and privacy policy that govern that particular linked site.

We welcome links to our site, but reserve the right to revoke your right to link to our site upon notice. If you receive such a notice from us, you agree to discontinue your link to our site.

Enforcing Security

Actual or attempted unauthorized use of our websites may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. For your protection and our other users, we reserve the right to view, monitor, and record activity on the website without notice or permission from you. Any information obtained by monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to review by law enforcement organizations in connection with the investigation or prosecution of possible criminal activity on our site. We will also comply with all court orders involving requests for such information.

Applicable Laws

This agreement, and the relationship between you and us, will be governed by the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.

No Waiver

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.


If any provision of this agreement is found to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from this agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


Our site and its content and any products provided therein, including, but not limited to Meme-orial™, are provided for entertainment, educational and promotional purposes. We provide our site and products on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranty of any kind whether express or implied (including warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and non-infringement).

Although we try to ensure that the information posted on our site is accurate and up-to-date, you agree that use of our site and products is at your own risk. This means that we make no promises that our site and products will be available at any particular time, will be uninterrupted, meet any particular requirements or provide any particular results, be free of errors, secure from unauthorized access, uncorrupted, free of viruses or other harmful components, or that defects will be corrected.

Our site and its content and any services provided therein are not intended to, and do not, constitute medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis, and may not be used for such purposes. You should always consult with a qualified physician or other healthcare provider about your specific circumstances, including before starting any treatment, medical or otherwise.

By using this website, you agree that we are not responsible for any advice that you may receive from an individual or a business that you may contact as a result of using our site, nor are we responsible for any representations they may make to you, or for their failure or refusal to respond or consult with you or give you pertinent information.

If you purchase a product or service from a third party after following an ad or link on our site, the terms of sale for your purchase are between you and the third party from whom you made the purchase. We are not responsible for such third-party products or services or for disputes between you and them.

Sole and Exclusive Remedy


In no event will we, or any of our directors, officers, employees, agents, content or service providers (hereinafter referred to as “our representatives”), be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages) arising from, or directly or indirectly related to, the use of, or the inability to use, our site (or the content, materials and functions provided as part of our site), whether in an action of contract, negligence, or strict liability, even if we knew, should have known or had been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Notwithstanding and without limiting the foregoing, you agree that our liability and of any of our representatives, if any, arising out of any kind of legal claim in any way relating to the use of our site, will not exceed the amount you have actually paid to us, if any, for use of our site, or, if applicable, for use of the specific site feature or service from which the claim in question first arose.


Description of Product

Meme-orial™ is a program that allows you to create a customized social media post to celebrate the life of a loved one (person or pet) who has passed away. You can upload a photo of your loved one, write a personal message (or choose a message from our list of options), and select a background. Our program combines these elements (photo, message and background) to create a single image (referred to as a “Meme-orial”) that can be shared to various social media channels via share buttons.


In order to create a Meme-orial™, you will have to create an account. You must submit a valid e-mail address, your first and last names, and select a password during the registration process. You may never use another person’s account. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You shall not enter the first and/or last name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person, or use a pseudo name that is offensive, vulgar or obscene. You shall not use an e-mail address that belongs to another person.

Failure to provide accurate and complete information during the registration process shall constitute a breach of this agreement, which may result in immediate termination of your Love Lives On account.

We reserve the right to refuse registration of an account or to cancel an account.

Your Responsibilities

You are solely responsible for activity that occurs on your Love Lives On account and shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You will immediately notify us in writing of any unauthorized use of your account, or any other account-related security breach of which you are aware.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the Meme-orial™ that you created is free of errors, (spelling, grammar, photo selection, photo positioning, background selection, and otherwise), before you proceed through our checkout. We will not reimburse you for the cost of the Meme-orial™ after you have gone through our checkout if you subsequently discover an error.

Furthermore, it is your responsibility to create a Meme-orial™ that is NOT offensive, vulgar or obscene, or that contravenes laws and regulations, or the rule of conduct outlined in this agreement.


You will be billed for the Meme-orial™ product in U.S. Dollars. Taxes are included in the price.

We reserve the right to update the pricing of our Meme-orial™ product at any time and without notice.

Social Media Sharing

Your Meme-orial™ shall be shared by you to your social media accounts only by using the sharing buttons that appear on the side of the Meme-orial™ after you have proceeded through our checkout. You may not share a Meme-orial™ without proceeding through our checkout first. Copying or downloading a Meme-orial™ without purchasing the product first shall be considered theft.

A validly purchased Meme-orial™ can be accessed and shared after the date of creation by signing into your account.

Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between us and you with respect to our site, (unless additional terms and conditions were presented to you, as per the Recitals of these Terms of Use).

Not Assignable

This agreement is personal to you and you may not assign it to anyone.

No Third-Party Beneficiaries

This agreement is not intended to benefit any third party, and does not create any third-party beneficiaries. Accordingly, this agreement may only be invoked or enforced by you or us.


Description of Services

We offer several methods for businesses to advertise on our website. You may purchase a listing in our business directory, sponsored content, or a clickable ad (hereinafter collectively referred to as “advertising,” or singularly as an “advertisement”).
Part 2(a) contains the general rights and responsibilities that apply to all our clients, while Part 2(b) contains additional terms and conditions that are specific to each form of advertising.


Rules of Conduct

There are the rules of conduct that you are required to follow when you use our site. You MUST NOT:

  • “Harvest” (or collect) information from our site using an automated software tool or manually on a mass basis (unless we have given you separate written permission to do so). This includes, for example, information about other users of our site and information about the offerings, products, services and promotions available on or through our site. The framing, scraping, data-mining, extraction or collection of the content of this site in any form and by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, you may not mirror any material contained on our site.
  • Use automated means to access our site, or gain unauthorized access to our site or to any account or computer system connected to our site.
  • “Stream catch” (download, store or transmit copies of streamed content).
  • Obtain, or attempt to obtain, access to areas of our site or our systems that are not intended for access by you.
  • “Flood” our site with requests or otherwise overburden, disrupt or harm our site or its systems.
  • Circumvent or reverse engineer our site or its systems.
  • Restrict or inhibit another user or users from using and enjoying our site.
  • Manipulate or forge identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information posted on our site or otherwise provided to us or our employees; and
  • Impersonate any person, including, but not limited to, other community members, other business owners, our employees, or our other clients.

If you post something to our site, including, but not limited to, content or comments, you MUST NOT:

  • Use strong, vulgar, obscene or otherwise harmful language or images.
  • Use racially, ethnically or otherwise, objectionable language or images.
  • Infringe any third-party intellectual property right (such as copyrights).
  • Use defamatory (i.e., something that is negative and untrue about another person or entity) language or images.
  • Divulge another person’s or entity’s confidential or private information or trade secret.
  • Act in a manner that is fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, harassing, abusive, or discriminatory.
  • Encourage criminal conduct.
  • Share information (such as inside, proprietary or confidential information) that you do not have a right to make available due to contract, fiduciary duty, or operation of law.
  • Advertise or solicit business for products or services outside of the advertising that you have paid for.
  • Use language that is disparaging, inappropriate and/or competitive to Love Lives On.
  • Cause a virus, malware, spyware, spam or other harmful content or code.
  • Violate any laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, your local laws and regulations.

You must comply with all applicable laws and contractual obligations when you use our site to advertise your business.

Intellectual Property

We acknowledge that any material that you provide us for the purposes of advertising on our site including, but not limited to, text that you have written and images that you provided us, are not our intellectual property.

You agree to grant us the right to publish that material on our site and our social media platforms for the length of the subscription purchased by you. You represent that any materials provided by you to us is original and that you have the right to grant us these rights. You also agree to indemnify us against any copyright claims by third parties.

By using our site, you agree that everything on our site, apart from the materials provided by you to us for the purposes of advertising, is either owned by us or is owned by the original creator or their assignee, in which case we are using the content lawfully, and under license or by agreement where applicable. This includes, but not limited to, the underlying HTML, text, images, graphics, illustrations, designs, icons, audio clips, video clips, documents, products, software, applications, and all other website content.

Electronic Communications

The communications between you and us via our site use electronic means, whether you visit our site or send us an e-mail, or whether we post notices on our site or communicate with you via e-mail. For contractual purposes, you consent to receiving communications from us in an electronic form, and you agree that all terms and conditions, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if it were in writing.

Account Registration

In order to become our client, you have to register an account with us and provide us with valid credit card information so that we can process your payment for the advertising that you purchased. By paying for advertising on our site you agree that you accept the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

For your account registration, you must provide your first and last names, your business name, a valid e-mail address, billing address, and your phone number so that we can contact you about your account if required.

You may never use another person’s account. When registering your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You shall not enter the first and/or last name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person, or use a pseudo name that is offensive, vulgar or obscene. You shall not use an e-mail address that belongs to another person.

You also warrant that you are the owner of the business, or an authorized agent of the business with the legal authority, or express permission, from the business owners, to purchase advertising from us.

You warrant that the advertising you purchased from us is for a legitimate business and that you have not knowingly provided false information about that business for publication on our site.

Failure to provide accurate and complete information during the account registration process shall constitute a breach of this agreement, which may result in immediate termination of your Love Lives On account.

Your Responsibilities

Maintaining Password Confidentiality

You are solely responsible for activity that occurs on your Love Lives On account and shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any password.

Advising Us of Account Breach

You will immediately notify us in writing of any unauthorized use of your account, or any other account-related security breach of which you are aware.

If you are ever unsure that an e-mail is from us, you must e-mail us at support@loveliveson.com and we will confirm our identify to you by providing your last billing invoice number and/or the four (4) last digits of the credit card that you used to purchase advertising.

Updating Your Account and Credit Card Information

It is your responsibility to update or change any account information, as needed or desired, by e-mailing us at support@loveliveson.com. This includes, but is not limited to, your contact phone number and e-mail address, and credit card information.


Please send us an e-mail from the e-mail address that you used to register your account with us and simply state that your credit card details have changed. We will e-mail you with instructions on how to update your credit card information.

Ensuring Your Advertising on our Site is Accurate

After we have added your advertising to our site, we will e-mail you the web link (hereinafter referred to as “URL”) for the pages on which your advertisement appears. You are responsible for reviewing the advertisement and for advising us if there is any error, including, but not limited to, the text or a link, irrespective of whether it is our error or your error, by e-mailing us back at support@loveliveson.com. If you fail to inform us by e-mail of any error, you accept the advertisement “as is”.


You may purchase a business listing(s) in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, online checkout, or talking to a Love Lives On sales representative (either on the phone or in-person). By completing the purchase transaction, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

You will be billed in your local currency. For businesses operating outside of Canada, the quoted price includes taxes. For Canadian businesses, HST shall be added to the quoted price.


If your first credit card payment fails to be processed by our payment system for any reason, we will call you to obtain another credit card.

If a subsequent scheduled credit card payment (hereinafter referred to as “payment”) fails to be processed by our payment system for any reason, our payment system will automatically re-try to process the payment an additional three times over the course of the following week at the following intervals after the initial attempt: 1 day; 4 days; then 7 days. We reserved the right to adjust our payment system for payment processing re-tries.

It is your responsibility at all times to advise us of any changes to your credit card information by contacting us at support@loveliveson.com.


Please e-mail us from the e-mail address that you used to register for your account and where you receive invoices from us. We will reply with instructions on how to update your credit card information.

We may also contact you via phone to advise you that your payment failed to be processed by our system.

In the event that we do not have information for a valid credit card, we reserve the right to cancel your account and to remove your advertisement(s) from our website.

Incorrect Billing

If you believe that we have billed you incorrectly, you must inform us of the error within thirty (30) calendar days by e-mailing us at support@loveliveson.com.


Privacy is important to us. We agree to not share any confidential information you may have provided us at any time to third parties, including, but not limited to, your business strategies and your marketing methods. We do custom-pricing, based on the unique needs of each business. You agree to never disclose to third parties the fee you paid us for our services or any negotiations or discussions between us regarding your account. You and we both agree that our respective rights to confidentiality continue after the termination of your account with us.

Enforcing Security

Actual or attempted unauthorized use of our websites may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. For your protection and our other users, we reserve the right to view, monitor, and record activity on the website without notice or permission from you. Any information obtained by monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to review by law enforcement organizations in connection with the investigation or prosecution of possible criminal activity on our site. We will also comply with all court orders involving requests for such information.

Website and Product Upgrades

We reserve the right to make changes to our website at any time, for any reason, including, but not limited to, upgrading our technology and design to better serve our visitors and clients, search engine optimization, and complying with any applicable law or regulation. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any temporary disruption of service.


Advertising on our site is provided on as “as is” basis and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. We give no guarantees as to the effectiveness of advertising. We are not responsible for the effectiveness of your marketing messages. We are not responsible for any negative reviews or comments that may be posted about your business on our site.

To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, non-infringement, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that use of the services will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the services or the server that makes them available are free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding, and will not be responsible or liable for, the use or the results of the use of the services in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, copyright compliance, legality, decency or otherwise.

Applicable Laws

This agreement, and the relationship between you and us, will be governed by the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.


If you have a dispute with us, you must give us the opportunity to resolve the dispute informally through negotiation, with you and us acting in good faith, for no less than sixty (60) days after you provide written notice of the dispute.

In the event we are unable to resolve your complaint, either party may pursue a claim in binding arbitration in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Written Notice

To file a complaint as per this agreement, please e-mail us at support@loveliveson.com with the subject line: Notice of Dispute.

Deadline for Filing Notice of Dispute

You agree that regardless of any law to the contrary (including any relevant statutes of limitation), any notice of dispute must be filed by you within one (1) year after a claim or cause of action that you may have arising out of or related to use of our site or this agreement has accrued or be permanently barred.

Binding Arbitration

You and we agree that all disputes, claims, or controversies arising out of or relating in any way to this agreement, (including the validity, enforceability or scope of this section and other sections of these Terms of Use), our site or any content or services thereon (each, a “Dispute”), that cannot be resolved through negotiation between you and us may be settled by final binding arbitration, in accordance with the terms of this section and to the extent permitted by law.

Arbitration means that the dispute will be resolved by a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge or jury. An arbitrator can award the same damages and relief on an individual basis that a court can award to an individual. Either party can initiate an arbitration proceeding.

You agree that any binding arbitration will occur in in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and in accordance with the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario.

Maximum Award

You agree that our liability and of any of our representatives, if any, arising out of any kind of legal claim or binding arbitration related to the use of our site will not exceed the amount you paid us to advertise on our site.


The terms and conditions with respect to disputes shall survive any termination of your account with us.

No Waiver

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.


If any provision of this agreement is found to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from this agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

Non-Transferability of Purchase

The advertising that you purchased from us is valid only for you, and may not be transferred either to a different client or to a different place on our site.

No Third-Party Beneficiaries

This agreement is not intended to benefit any third party, and does not create any third-party beneficiaries. Accordingly, this agreement may only be invoked or enforced by you or us.

Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between us and you with respect to our site, unless additional terms and conditions were presented in writing to you, as per the Recitals of these Terms of Use.


Business Directory

Description of Service

Love Lives On Business Directory publishes online listings of businesses that provide end-of-life services, including, but not limited to, funeral, grief counselling, wills and estates (hereinafter referred to as “our business directory”). Each business is given an individual listing page per geographical location (hereinafter referred to as a “business listing” or “listing”). Users search for businesses by type of business and city/town/zip or postal code. Search results are provided by location on Google Maps.

Term and Renewal

When you purchase a business listing subscription, you select a type of subscription plan and elect to pay either on an annual or a monthly basis (hereinafter referred to as “the initial term”).

When you elect to pay for a subscription on an annual basis, you will be billed upfront for a business listing that will be displayed in our business directory for a 12-month period starting from the date of subscription purchase.

When you elect to pay for a subscription on a monthly basis, you will be billed upfront for a business listing that will be displayed in our business directory for a 1-month period starting from the date of subscription purchase.

Your subscription plan will be automatically renewed for consecutive subsequent periods (each a “renewal period”) equal in length to the initial term, on or around the anniversary of the initial purchase date, unless you give us written notice that you wish to cancel your account with us.

Cancelling Your Account

To cancel your account, you must do so in writing by e-mailing us at support@loveliveson.com a minimum of thirty (30) business days before your account is set to automatically renew.  If you fail to notify us in writing that you wish to cancel your account, your account will automatically be renewed and your credit card charged. No refunds will be given in the event you fail to cancel your account before the automatic renewal occurs, or if you gave us notice of less than thirty (30) business days.

We reserve the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account because of a breach of our rules of conduct contained in this agreement. If we chose to exercise our right to cancel your account, we will notify you by e-mailing you at the address you provided when you registered the account. Cancellation of your account by us takes effect immediately. Your business listings will be removed from our site. No refunds will be given.

Price Changes

We reserve the right to increase the pricing for your business directory listing(s). We will issue a notice of any pricing increase to our clients sixty (60) calendar days before the price increase takes effect. If you do not accept our pricing increase, you may cancel your account.

Business Listing Modifications

We reserve the right to modify a business listing and to reject or remove any content or links in a business listing for any reason, including, but not limited to, failure to comply with our rules of conduct contained in this agreement, or for search engine optimization purposes.

Sponsored Content

Description of Service

A client may purchase sponsored content from us to be hosted on our site for one (1) year from the date of purchase. Sponsored content may be either be in the form of a product mention in a piece of content written by Love Lives On or a promotional article written by the client (or his or her agent).

Product Mention

We will write a minimum of 100 words about your product and include it in an article written by Love Lives On. We retain the right to choose where to place the product mention. We will consider factors including, but not limited to, where the text would naturally fit, and click-through optimization, and use our best judgement.

The product mention will also include a link to your product page. The link will be marked as sponsored content for search engines.

Promotional Article

You will provide us with an article about your service or product that is 2,000 words maximum. The article will be professionally-written and free of spelling and grammatical errors and in keeping with the rules of conduct contained in this agreement.

You will also provide us with a meta title that is under 60 characters and a meta description that is under 155 characters. We are not responsible for truncation of the meta title or description by search engines, or if search engines chose not to use your meta title and, or, meta description.

You are responsible for any keyword placement in your article, meta title and description.

In the “Posted By” field at the top of the article, it will state your business name, followed by – Sponsored Content. Your business logo will also be displayed.

We may create a graphic heading to appear at the top of the post in order to keep with the visual style of our website. If you tell us your keyword for the article, we will include it in the alt text of the graphic.

You may supply up to two (2) graphics to be included in your promotional article. The graphics must adhere to the rules of conduct contained in this agreement. We retain the right to down-sample the file size of your graphic in order to ensure that the page loads properly. If you tell us your keyword for the article, we will include it in the alt text of the graphic(s).

All links contained in the promotional article will be marked as sponsored content for search engines.

The comments section will appear at the bottom of the post unless you advise us in writing that you want it turned off. We are not responsible for any negative comments, or for responding to any comments (positive or negative). If you want the comments section turned off, please e-mail us at support@loveliveson.com.

Your promotional article will appear in on a “library page,” that is, a page showing all the articles we host on a topic shown in the drop-down navigational menu at the top of our site. You can either send us the feature image for your article (i.e. the image that visitors click on to open your article), or we will select an image that is in keeping with the topic of your article. We retain the right to down-sample the file size of your graphic in order to ensure that the library page loads properly.

Term and Renewal

Sponsored content is an annual subscription. We will host your sponsored content on our site for one (1) year from the date of the credit card transaction.

Prior to the end of your subscription, you may request that we renew your sponsored content subscription. We may also contact you to ascertain if you are interested in renewing your subscription. Neither you or we are bound by this agreement to renew the subscription. We also reserve the right to adjust the price for any subscription renewal. Any renewal will form a new contract between us, and the terms of use and privacy policy in effect at that time will apply.

Cancelling Your Account

We reserve the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account because your promotional article does not meet the publication standards contained in this agreement, or because we cannot agree to the changes you have requested be made to the product mention. In this event, we will notify you in writing of our decision to cancel your account by emailing you at the address you provided during account registration. We will also issue you with a refund, less any bank and administration fees. The refund will be issued to you by us within thirty (30) business days from the date of the written notification of cancellation from us to you. We are not responsible for any delays by your financial institution to pass the refund onto you.

We reserve the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account at any time during the term of the subscription because of a breach of our rules of conduct contained in this agreement. Cancellation of your account will take immediate effect, and your sponsored content may be removed from our site. In this event, we will notify you in writing of our decision to cancel your account by emailing you at the address you provided during account registration. No refunds will be given.

You also have the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account because you are not satisfied with how the sponsored content looks on our site. You have ten (10) business days from the date we send the URL of the sponsored content to you for your review to cancel your account. You must do so in writing by e-mailing us at support@loveliveson.com. In this event, we will issue you with a refund, less any bank and administration fees, within thirty (30) business days of receiving your written notice to cancel your account. We are not responsible for any delays by your financial institution to pass the refund onto you.

Clickable Ads

Description of Service

A clickable ad is an image with text overlay that advertises your services or products. When the ad is clicked, the user is taken to a web page pre-selected by you.


Prior to making a purchase, you and we will agree on the dimensions and file size of the clickable ad. We also agree that the ad will not contain spelling and grammatical errors, vulgarity, racism, or be offensive.

Term and Renewal

A clickable ad is an annual subscription. We will host your clickable ad on our site for one (1) year from the date of the credit card transaction.

Prior to the end of your subscription, you may request that we renew your clickable ad subscription. We may also contact you to ascertain if you are interested in renewing your subscription. Neither you or we are bound by this agreement to renew the subscription. We also reserve the right to adjust the price for any subscription renewal. Any renewal will form a new contract between us, and the terms of use and privacy policy in effect at that time will apply.

Cancelling Your Account

We reserve the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account because your clickable ad does not meet the specifications that we agreed upon prior to your purchase. In this event, we will notify you in writing of our decision to cancel your account by emailing you at the address you provided during account registration. We will also issue you with a refund, less any bank and administration fees. The refund will be issued to you by us within thirty (30) business days from the date of the written notification of cancellation from us to you. We are not responsible for any delays by your financial institution to pass the refund onto you.

We reserve the right, without liability, to cancel an existing account at any time during the term of the subscription because of a breach of our rules of conduct contained in this agreement. Cancellation of your account will take immediate effect, and your clickable ad may be removed from our site. In this event, we will notify you in writing of our decision to cancel your account by emailing you at the address you provided during account registration. No refunds will be given.

Last Updated: JULY 1, 2020